European Culture and Civilization
lunes, 24 de febrero de 2025
martes, 18 de febrero de 2025
Date |
Student |
Country |
Tutorial |
March 19 |
Daniel |
Iceland |
February 26 12:30 |
March 25 |
Aidan |
Portugal |
February 26 12:45 |
April 2 |
James |
Switzerland |
March 5 12:30 |
April 3 |
Peyton |
Greece |
February 26 13:00 |
April 16 |
Eliska |
Czech Republic |
March 5 12:45 |
April 30 |
Zofia |
Poland |
March 5 13:00 |
May 7 |
Doan |
France |
March 12 12:30 |
May 14 |
Ross |
Armenia |
March 12 12:45 |
May 21 |
Evie |
Finland |
March 12 13:00 |
May 8 |
Till |
Serbia |
February 26 13:15 |
May 15 |
Mia |
Sweden |
March 5 13:15 |
May 22 |
Elsa |
Rumania |
March 12 13:15 |
sábado, 1 de febrero de 2025
UK and the European Union
1)article 27 (Britain and the European Union) (outdated but good)
2024, Why most people regret Brexit: A majority of British voters now believe the split was a mistake
Better Off Out or In? (BBC)
Brexit with John Oliver (1)
Brexit with John Oliver (2)
Brexit with John Oliver (3)
Brexit explained (CNN)
Timothy Garton Ash
viernes, 31 de enero de 2025
miércoles, 22 de enero de 2025
miércoles, 15 de enero de 2025
Course Description

Taught by
Prof. Dr. Jesús Ángel
Course language
Classes: Wed
12:30-13:30, Thu 10:30-12:30
course will deal with the concepts of culture and European unity and
diversity. Therefore, the different concepts of culture and the diverse
dimensions of Europe (geographical, historical, religious, economic,
cultural) will be analyzed and followed by an individual analysis of the
culture and civilization of some specific European countries. The course will also present key facts about the creation and
development of the European Union. Some of the topics to be covered are:
Origin of the EU, how the EU works, monetary union, European issues and priorities, the EU in the world,
current developments and future possibilities.
attendance and participation 10% (MINIMUM 80 %)
-Oral presentation 30% Students will choose one European country and prepare an oral presentations about its culture and
civilization.. The presentations should last between 20 and 30 minutes and
some of the following fields could be covered: Background, history, geography, languages,
sociological overview, education, religion, economy, politics, the Media,
cultural conflicts, cultural products (Literature, Cinema, Art). Special emphasis should be placed on each student’s field of
expertise or University Major.
- Reading and Writing Assignments: 20 %: Students are expected to read a number of articles, discuss them in
class and hand in article reviews.
- Final
paper: “What is then a European?" 40 %
Participants will be encouraged to
actively participate in class and share their experiences and ideas with
others to explore new ways of thinking. The course will be conducted using a
mixture of lectures; small group activities; practical exercises, facilitated
discussions and oral presentations.
viernes, 12 de abril de 2024
Why most people regret Brexit: A majority of British voters now believe the split was a mistake
A majority of British voters now believe the split was a mistake
Apr 11th 2024| (The Economist)
It is rare for voters to change their minds soon after referendums. Experience
from Canada to Scotland, from Norway to Switzerland, suggests rather that
opinions tend to move in favour of a referendum result more than they swing
against it. But Brexit seems to be an exception. Since the 52-48% vote in
favour of leaving the European Union in June 2016, the majority view among
Britons has shifted, and especially so in the past two years, towards the
conclusion that the decision was wrong (see chart).
One way to
take the temperature is to visit two English towns called Richmond which voted
in very different ways in 2016. In Richmond-upon-Thames in London, which voted
69-31% to remain in the eu, opinion has hardened. Gareth Roberts, the Liberal
Democrat council leader, notes that post-Brexit niggles such as longer border
delays and more intrusive passport controls have helped to solidify local
opposition. A Leave voter sitting by the river says he has not changed his
mind, but that he is disappointed by the Tories’ failure to strike big trade
deals outside the eu.
The other
Richmond, in north Yorkshire, voted 57-43% for Brexit. One Leaver in the market
square echoes his southern counterpart by insisting that he still supports
Brexit but he complains that it has not been properly done and that immigration
has surged despite repeated Tory promises to reduce it. A local bartender says
that she voted instinctively to leave but that, were the referendum re-run, she
would work harder to understand what it would really mean. Stuart Parsons, a
former mayor of Richmond, claims that several friends have changed their minds,
especially small farmers who feel betrayed by the Conservatives and now fret
about future lost public subsidies.
anecdotes chime with polls across the country. Research by uk in a Changing Europe (ukice), a think-tank, finds that most voters have not in fact changed their
minds since 2016. But because as many as 16-20% of those who voted to leave
have switched sides, compared with only 6% of those who voted to remain, the
balance has swung against Brexit. The passage of time is also having its
inevitable effect: older voters were overwhelmingly keen to leave the eu and younger ones were fiercely opposed to the idea. Don’t-knows and
those who did not vote in 2016 now tend to break strongly against Brexit.
abound for the disillusionment. Sir John Curtice, a leading pollster who works
with ukice, points especially to gloom about the economy since 2016, which he says matters more than irritation over
immigration. Sarah Olney, the Liberal Democrat mp for Richmond Park, reckons that outright dishonesty on the part of
the Leave campaign is to blame. Peter Kellner, a political pundit and former
president of YouGov, a polling group, suggests that many Brexit supporters had
no idea what would happen if they actually won. That differs sharply from the
run-up to most other constitutional referendums.
Changes in
the political background matter as well. The Conservatives under Rishi Sunak,
who happens to be the mp for Richmond in Yorkshire and is a keen
supporter of Brexit, are associated in voters’ minds with the decision to
Leave. Party disunity and the chaos of four prime ministers in five years have
helped to discredit something with which the Tories are strongly identified.
Just as the
Tories have helped tarnish views of Brexit, so Brexit is likely to hurt the
Tories at the next election. A chunk of people who voted Leave in 2016 say
there should still be long-term benefits from quitting the bloc but argue that
too little has been done to realise them. This group now leans against the
Tories and may even prefer the Reform Party, an insurgent right-wing party. In contrast, those who were against Brexit
in 2016 think they were right to fear its economic impact; many who were Tory
then now back Labour.
anti-Brexit mood of a majority of voters is clear but that does not translate
into a burning wish to refight old battles. Brexit may be unpopular but its
political salience has faded. Even keen Remainers have doubts about the wisdom
of starting a lengthy campaign to rejoin. The Labour Party’s decision to talk
as little as possible about Brexit is understandable: the party hopes to regain
“red-wall” seats in the north and the Midlands that backed Brexit in 2016 and
then voted Tory in the 2019 general election.
But if and
when Labour does take office, there will be political wriggle-room to improve relations with the eu. Some in the party talk not just of expanding today’s
thin trade deal but of broader alignment with European rules. Tory attacks on
such ideas as a betrayal of the 2016 vote are less likely to resonate when
Brexit itself has lost its appeal for many.■
jueves, 18 de enero de 2024
Soft power: The Brussels Effect
viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2023
jueves, 15 de junio de 2023
martes, 13 de junio de 2023
jueves, 11 de mayo de 2023
jueves, 13 de abril de 2023
lunes, 16 de mayo de 2022
martes, 29 de marzo de 2022
sábado, 24 de abril de 2021
jueves, 21 de enero de 2021
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sábado, 29 de febrero de 2020
lunes, 20 de enero de 2020
Presentations (30 %)
Students will choose one European country and prepare an oral presentation about its culture and civilization. The presentations should last around 20-30 minutes and some of the following fields could be covered: Background, history (5 meaningful events only), geography, languages, sociological overview, education, religion, economy, politics, the Media, cultural conflicts, cultural products (Literature, Cinema, Art), role in Europe. Special emphasis should be placed on cultural conflicts and on each student’s field of expertise (preferably their University Major).You need to choose a country and a date as soon as possible and then you have to attend one of the Wednesday tutorials to let me know about your ideas about the presentation.
How to give a presentation in English:
5 steps to a killer opener:
After delivering your presentation in class, you have to upload it on Moodle.
Reading and Writing Assignments (20%)
jueves, 20 de junio de 2019
Final paper (40 %)
The final paper should be 5-10 pages long (2,000-4,000 words) and should involve some research as well as personal opinions. Don't forget to quote your sources and include a bibliography.You will find useful articles and book extracts in the set of photocopies as well as in the blog. Remember that the university uses a detection system ("Turnitin Integrity") to check for plagiarism and inappropiate use of AI.
(J. HECTOR ST. JOHN DE CRÈVECOEUR Letters from an American Farmer, 1782)